About Us

Why Advocates for Equity

We believe and follow the National Association for the Education of young children. There moto is “all children have the right to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential as engaged learners and valued members of society. Thus, all childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity.” Advocating for Equity is not only our name but a way of life for us. We emphasize diversity and inclusion in the way we provide information, support, training and professional development for administrators, teachers, families and students to increase knowledge, and develop skills to collaborate to achieve educational equity and excellence for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children and youth with disabilities

About Us

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Achieving Equity for Administrators

The principal’s role is critical in order to meet the challenge of implementing IDEA. It takes strong instructional leadership to ensure that all children achieve. All issues in the school affect the principal, and all issues are affected by the principal.

Implementing IDEA The Principals Role in Data Driven Decision Making 360 Discipline Data Review and Plan Addressing Disproportionality in Special Education

Achieving Equity for Teachers

Some teachers excercise the only option they think is available to them when there are struggling learners in their class; referring students to special education programs. Teachers sometimes unwittingly add to disproportionality in special education.

What every Educator Needs to know About Special Education Disability Awareness and Learning Making Inclusion Work

Achieving Equity for Families & Students

Parents need to advocate to get their child the services they need. Parents have a life-long relationship with their child and they are the “expert” on their child.

Skills for Effective parent Advocacy What every Parent Should know About Special Education Special Education, a program for Students, not a Place

Students, individualized based on the age, need and abilities, can take a leadership role in decisions about his/her future.

For Students Grade 9-12 Developing Self-Advocacy

Frequently Asked Questions

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28+ years of Advocating for Youth

culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children and youth with disabilities

There moto

All children have the right to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential
Special education focuses on academic programs that help individuals who are physically, mentally or emotionally impaired. Included are severely disabled students, as well as those with mild to moderate language difficulties, hearing impairments, and cognitive or emotional disabilities that hinder learning.
The phrase “least-restrictive” environment means schools that receive public funding have an obligation to give all students the opportunity to learn in regular classrooms to the greatest extent possible. Schools are required by law to allow special education students to participate in a standard learning environment along with nondisabled students.
Inclusion means giving all students access to regular classrooms, instruction and learning opportunities. Although the term “inclusive classrooms” is relatively new, it complies with the original intention of laws passed by Congress, beginning with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1975.
TA special education advocate works on behalf of parents or guardians of students with special needs. The advocate coordinates with school leaders, administrators, health professionals, psychologists and teachers to make sure the child’s needs are met, including accommodations and services required by federal, state and local laws.